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Oase AquaActiv SediFree - Silt Remover is a product designed to eliminate unsightly and foul-smelling silt deposits that can quickly form in biotopes. These deposits are difficult to decompose due to the lack of oxygen and can store adverse nutrients. Oase SediFree granulate has a dual effect, as it sinks into the silt and releases bound active oxygen, while the special bacteria it contains become active in the water and mineralize the oxidized silt. This results in clean and healthy pond water without any unsightly deposits or fermentation gases. 


To use Oase AquaActiv SediFree - Silt Remover, shake the bottle vigorously before use. For the initial treatment, scatter 50ml for every 1,000 litres directly over the silted areas. If necessary, repeat the dosage after four weeks by adding 10 to 20ml of Oase Sedifree for every 1,000 litres of pond water once a week. It is important to note that treatment is most effective at water temperatures of 15°C or higher. The decomposition takes longer at cooler temperatures due to reduced bacteria activity. It is recommended to switch off UVC equipment before and for three days after treatment.

Oase AquaActiv SediFree

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